Working Hours Monday - Friday 08:00-16:00
Toll Free 1800.899.900

What We Do

Residential Design

Knowing when to bend the rules, or creating the “WOW” factor, is all important- whether it’s your own premise you’re stepping into or someone else’s for the first time. Reinvent and re-imagine your dream home. Be In's passion is to materialize your vision by creating experiences that invigorates the souls.

ABW Office Design

ABW(Activity Based Working) is a catalyst for organisations to rethink the way they work aligned to their cultural and strategic objectives. It provides freedom of choice in how, when, and where people work, helping them to be more effective and engaged.

UX Commercial Design

Leverage the power of user experience (UX) into retail or commercial is the key to win in a fast changing world. The winning strategy is providing an exceptional user experience- when the users feel being valued they will engage themselves, where there will be open doors to meaningful relationships.

Our Process

  • Meet & Agree
  • Idea & Concept
  • Design & Create
  • Build & Install
Qualification is the first step, and an incredibly important one because it can have a dramatic effect on the satisfaction of our clients, our bottom line, and ultimately, our passion for the business. And why’s that? Because qualification is where we investigate and decide if a potential client is a good fit. And there’s not much worse than a bad client! So during qualification you want to vet the potential client on a few things – what is their budget, is this the kind of projects I want to do, and, is the client’s sense of style in-line with my own?
Idea & concept is like the discovery portion of the project – you’re gathering all the information you need to both set up this project, and complete it to where both you, and your client will be happy. It also sets the foundation for the entire client relationship. As a designer, your time is your most valuable asset, so doing the work upfront to save yourself pain later is essential. For Intake you want to ask yourself things like “what is the goal for this project?”, “who are the stakeholders?”, and “what details do I need to create a statement of work and timeline?” Once you’ve consulted the client on their project and gotten all the details you need, you can provide them a statement of work, and an estimated budget and timeline for them to sign off on before getting down to the design itself and refining your budget and timeline.
Design & create is the designing phase. You’re taking all the information from Intake, and turning it into a design concept that is fully executable. In the eyes of your client, this is the brunt of what they’re paying you to do, so this is your time to shine! It’s space planning, Concept Design is space planning, detailed measurements, 3D concept, sketches, digital mood boards, etc. and gathering Initial quotes and samples – all while refining the timeline and budget based on the design. Once that’s done, you’ll present to your client and sell the vision – including your concept, scope of work, budget, and timeline. Ultimately you’re wanting to get client feedback to determine if revisions are needed. Once it’s been signed off on, it’s time to make it happen.
The final step of our interior design process is Project Closeout, where we wrap up the project, ensure the client has everything they need (warranties, product info, etc.), and reflect on what did or didn’t work on this project. The client experience doesn’t end at install, and this stage puts a bow on the entire process so that a client is primed to refer you, or come back to you for future work. You’ll meet with your client, provide them with all their product warranties and any other info they require, ask for feedback, and then officially end the project with a thank you card (or maybe even a gift!)
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MUP SERVICES LTD is a one-stop solution specializing in interior design. We are located in Manchester in the UK. Our company was established in 2024 and registered for general interior design, and decoration work for residential and commercial. It is the Human propensity to continue to improve until you arrive at the ideal flawlessness. We love to make our residing put as the best put on the planet.

Contact Us

8 Winwick Park Avenue, Winwick Warrington WA2 8XA Phone:07868363476
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